Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: March 1, 2025 - Last updated: March 1, 2025


Author: Carmen Carrasco Luján

Title: Cuerpos de mujeres como desechos del neoliberalismo

Subtitle: Los feminicidios en 2666 de Roberto Bolaño

Translation: Women’s Bodies as Neoliberalism Waste: The Feminicides in Roberto Bolaño’s 2666

Journal: Trans - Revue de littérature générale et comparée

Volume: -

Issue: 26: L’anomalie en question(s) (The Anomaly in Question(s))

Year: 2021

Pages: 11 pages (PDF)

eISSN: 1778-3887 - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: Spanish

Keywords: Modern History: 20th Century, 21st Century | American History: Chilean History, Mexican History | Cases: Real Incidents / Femicides in Ciudad Juárez; Types: Femicide; Representations: Literary Texts / Roberto Bolaño


Link: Open Edition Journals (Free Access)


Author: Google Scholar, ORCID

Abstract: »In the fourth part of 2666 (2004) by Roberto Bolaño (“The Part about the Crimes”), hundreds of women have been raped, mutilated and murdered by unknown killers in the fictional city of Santa Teresa, in Northern Mexico. Most of these women, workers at maquiladoras, have been dismembered like the machines whose pieces they have to assemble at the factories. In this article, I shall shed light on the schemas of intelligibility that prevent the recognition of these women’s deaths as “grievable” (Butler). This impossible recognition is rooted, according to the novel, in two forms of violence that result in the consideration of these women’s lives as “waste”: a systemic gender violence but also a neoliberal labor violence against the precariat.« (Source: Trans-)

  Introducción (p. 1)
  Politización de la violencia en 2666 (p. 2)
  Violencia simbólica y subjetiva (p. 3)
  Desechos de la industria maquiladora (p. 4)
  Un problema global visto desde un caso local (p. 7)
  Reflexiones finales (p. 7)
  Bibliografía (p. 8)
  Notas (p. 9)
  Résumenes (p. 9)
  Índice (p. 11)
  Autor (p. 11)

Wikipedia: History of the Americas: History of Mexico | Literature: Chilean literature / Roberto Bolaño, 2666 | Violence against women: Femicide / Femicides in Ciudad Juárez